Our Blog

Stories, Tips, and Inspiration

Julius Fabini
Jun,28 2024

Agriculture, Romania, and Harmony

Discover the meaning behind Agramonia, a unique blend of agriculture, Romania, and harmony. Learn how Agramonia supports rural Romanian farmers through sustainable practices and agrotourism, while preserving cultural heritage and promoting biodiversity. Address common misspellings like Agromania, Agromonia, and Agrimonia, and understand the true essence of Agramonia.

Reading Time : 5 Minutes
Julius Fabini
May,28 2024

Benefits and Challenges of Agritourism

Learn more about the definition, types, benefits, and challenges of agrotourism. Discover how this sustainable tourism sector contributes to the economic and social development of rural areas.

Reading Time : 4 Minutes
Lazar Adrian
Dec,12 2022

Best Cycling Tours in Transylvania

Have you thought of taking a tour of the Transylvania area by bike? In the next article we will present the essence of cycling in the hill area and I will try to answer the most frequent questions as precisely as possible.

Reading Time : 5 Minutes
Căbulea Natalia-Maria
Dec,12 2022

The routes that cross the villages of Transylvania

These trails make their way over the hills that connect the Transylvanian villages and are easy to walk. They feature various historical monuments that amaze visitors since ancient times. This way you will be able to live unique moments, experiencing unforgettable moments from the life of the villagers.

Reading Time : 6 Minutes
Căbulea Natalia-Maria
Dec,12 2022

The most beautiful mountain trails in Transylvania

Mountain hiking is the best way to spend free time in nature. The beautiful trails of the Transylvania area will charm you with the amazing views and routes that lead to the most enchanting attractions that are in the heart of the mountains.

Reading Time : 10 Minutes
Jeleru Adriana
Nov,25 2022

What is making Transylvanian food special?

In the following lines, Adriana Jeleru will present you the diversity of traditional foods from the Transylvanian area, specifically from the Hâtibaci Valley. A region where many customs and traditions, some hundreds of years old still past to nowadays.

Reading Time : 5 Minutes
Jeleru Adriana
Nov,21 2022

What makes the craft special?

In the following lines, we will present you the diversity of crafts from the Transylvanian area. I come from the Hartibaciu valley where there are many customs and traditions that are hundreds of years old.

Reading Time : 5 Minutes
Jeleru Adriana
Nov,18 2022

Journey into the past?

In this article we present you the diversity of Transylvanian agriculture. The author of the article Adriana Jeleriu grew up in the village herself and comes from the Hartibaciu Valley, a remote region in which there are still many centuries-old customs and traditions.

Reading Time : 5 Minutes
Julius Fabini
Sep,05 2022

The base for your adventures in Romania

For a successful vacation experience, you need nice accommodation and good food. On our website, we present you with a handpicked selection of cozy places. Here you will find the perfect country hotel for your adventures.

Reading Time : 1 Minutes
Varga Teodora
Jul,06 2022

Discover the treasures of Barcut

Barcut is a small village in the Hartibaciu Valley, that just makes you want to visit it and connect to nature. It is a relaxing, but also interesting location that will surprise you at every step.

Reading Time : 4 Minutes
Varga Teodora
Jun,01 2022

A combination between culture and fun

Copsa Mare or Grosskopisch in German is a quiet village located in the valley near Biertan. With its special architecture and a fortified church that measures up, it invites you for a relaxing walk to admire it.

Reading Time : 4 Minutes