In this article we present you the diversity of Transylvanian agriculture. The author of the article Adriana Jeleriu grew up in the village herself and comes from the Hartibaciu Valley, a remote region in which there are still many centuries-old customs and traditions.
Agriculture is one of the oldest professions in the world and it has remained the most authentic in the Romanian area due to the fact that advanced technology has not yet taken over it completely.
Many say that spring is the best time to promote agriculture because sowing takes place.
Perioada de a promova agricultura ecologică în mare parte este la începutul semănatului. During the period when the fruits begin to sprout and before harvesting. At the beginning of sowing, the share of that year's harvest is realized, and during the harvesting period, the exact quantity of the product obtained is realized. Our recommendation for visiting farms and harvests, or more precisely for Agrotourism, is early spring and late autumn.
In most of the in the area of Romania, farmers have some speculative methods to speculate whether during the harvest period they will have a rich harvest.
These speculative speculations determine producers to approximate the quantity of the sown products.
Like for example: The onion calendar which has been used for hundreds of years to see the drought months of the current year. Take 12 onion leaves, one for each month of the year and add a spoonful of salt to each of them, it is said that where the salt has remained dry that month will be dry and where the salt has become wet that month will be rainy, but not all peasants believe in this calendar and in recent years fewer and fewer peasants use it.
Most of the animal breeders in Pigs, cows and sheep are raised in Transylvania, in the Hartibaci valley area more pigs and cows are raised.
Usually animal breeders manage to feed their animals with their own resources and fruits, but there are certain cases in which they do not have enough resources and in that time calls on other farmers.
Unlike the technical agriculture in the west, in Romania there are no massive crops for animal feed because on the large production area the soil nitrates are overexploited, while on a smaller production area these soil nitrates manage to it brings a richer production.
Farmers in general produce a larger mass of fruit to be sure that it is enough to raise their animals but also to survive. But in the pre-harvest period, they are willing to sell their products from the previous year in order to have storage space, and not only during this period. During the summer, for example, when a lot of people are looking to buy vegetables and fruits because their own production is not in the harvest period. In winter to people from urban areas who prefer to buy organic products directly from the producer and not from the store. On our website you can find a lot of farmers who are willing to provide you with the best products.
Agriculture these days relies heavily on technology
Agriculture today is less sought after than in years past because many people prefer to go to a store to get their fruits and vegetables, as it is much more convenient. But from the point of view of many, agricultural products bought directly from farmers are much healthier.
Romanian agriculture today is no longer 100% Romanian because part of the agricultural land is owned by foreigners. But the small part of Romanian agriculture still owned by Romanians and the production of Romanian farmers has an enormous demand on the market, especially for tourists having the opportunity to buy directly from the producer and through the prism of the fact that they are fascinated by the methods of processing the land.
Agriculture in Romania is predominant in the economy due to the fertile soil and that is why most producers try not to use chemical pesticides or on a smaller scale because they produce on a small area of agricultural land.
In Transylvania there are a lot of households where the products are 100% organic because local producers of the area have a ecological agriculture, which only involves biological fertilizers and traditional production care.
In almost all modern societies, people have become detached from nature and the environment. The serenity of nature is increasingly falling prey to rapid technological development. Man's alienation from nature leads to serious ecological, economic and psychological problems. Many inhabitants of the rural areas of Transylvania are at the beginning of this alienation due to the need to accept jobs in nearby factories or abroad. Many no longer have the opportunity to deal with agriculture and tradition. They have to give up their way of life for centuries. At the same time, there are also people who want to break away from the "technical peak" and return to the long-forgotten nature. An increasingly technology-based world requires people with skills in the field, which is not possible for a large part of the Romanian population living in the countryside.
Through an agritourism holiday in a village you can help farmers stay at home in their country and not become strangers in their own country while enjoying natural products produced by them themselves.< /p>