Churchcastle in Malancrav

Churchcastle in Malancrav in Malancrav
Churchcastle in Malancrav in Malancrav
Churchcastle in Malancrav in Malancrav
Churchcastle in Malancrav in Malancrav
Churchcastle in Malancrav in Malancrav
Churchcastle in Malancrav in Malancrav

The altar

The gothic winged-altar is from the late 15th century. The main-painting depicts the holy virgin Mary with her child, Jesus christ. Jesus christ is holding a bird.

The benches

The benches are in late-gothic style and from the early 16th century. They are currently located in the choir.

The pulpit

The pulpit is likely from gothic times, but was then further decorated.

The organ

The current organ was built in 1925. The previous one was from the 18th century.

The bells

The big bell has the inscription: "O REX GLORIE VENI CUM PACE'' (O KING OF GLORY, COME WITH PEACE). The minor one bears the inscription: "o rex glorie veni cum pace anno dni m.cccc.xxxx" (O king, I came in glory with peace in the year of the year AD 1440).

The ring wall

the ring wall was built in the 15th century.


The wall-paintings in the church are from the mid 14th century. The ones in the northern part show scenes out of Genesis, the childhood of Jesus, his story of suffering, and his resurrection. The wall-paintings in the choir depict numerous scenes out of the live of Jesus Christ, in the style of fresco, with details being painted in secco.

Belltower / Donjon

The Belltower was built during the fortification around 1500.


1305 Malancrav first appears in a contract between members of the noble family of Apafi, alongside Nou Sasesc and Stejarenii.
1322 In a document about a feud of several noble families, Malancrav is mentioned as a domain that should belong to a lord.
1468 King Matthias Corvinus grants parts of Sona and Metis to count Michael Apafi, of Malancrav.
1753 There are both protestant and catholic citizens in the village, who live together peacefully.
1848 There is a peasant rebellion, and the village becomes independent of any lord.

Places in the surroundings