Peasant platter - all organic in Mesentea

A Conserved Food product produced by Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"

Peasant platter - all organic in Mesentea

Peasant platter - all organic

Conserved Food Conserved Food
Dec - Nov

Contains fresh schnitzel, fresh meatballs, dry home-made salami, dry home-made sausage, tenderloin, bacon, stuffed eggs, eggplant salad, lamb shank. A platter is for four people.

138.00 Lei ( 27.72€ )
1 Kg
Availibility :
  • Friday 12:30 - 19:00
  • Saturday 12:00 - 22:00
  • Sunday 12:00 - 19:00
Pick-up Date :
No. of Kgs:
Min. 1 and Max. 3 Kgs

Pay 15 % in advance

Pay 85 % on arrival

Total Price :

The organizer has the option to decline your reservation in the next 12 hours.

Stock Up Here

Homemade chicken noodle soup

1 Piece à 400 Milliliters
28.75 Lei Min. 1 and Max. 10 Pieces
Conserved Food
Dec - Nov

Everything is organic, the birds are raised in the backyard, the vegetables are in the personal garden, the noodles are made by mom!

Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :
Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"

Roast in the pan

1 Piece à 200 Grams
46.00 Lei Min. 1 and Max. 10 Pieces
Conserved Food
Dec - Nov

Roast pork, lamb, goat, veal, the pork comes from a small slaughterhouse in the area, the other from the locals! Baked in a wood fired oven!

Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :
Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"

Stuffed eggs

1 Hundred grams
13.80 Lei Min. 1 and Max. 10 Hundreds grams
Conserved Food
Dec - Nov
Hundreds grams

The eggs are only homemade, filled with pork liver patties and mayonnaise! One portion contains two eggs.

Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :
Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"

Cauldron with polenta

1 Piece à 350 Milliliters
46.00 Lei Min. 1 and Max. 10 Pieces
Conserved Food
Dec - Nov

Pork or veal cauldron, (a kind of goulash) Cooked in a cast iron cauldron over a wood fire.

Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :
Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"

"Purpura" dumplings

1 Piece à 450 Grams
28.75 Lei Min. 10 and Max. 60 Pieces
Fresh Food
Dec - Nov

Traditional product, bread dough with various fillings, cabbage, cheese, potatoes, apples, seasonal curd, seasonal plums. Baked in the wood fired oven!

Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :
Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"

Homemade chicken noodle soup

1 Piece à 400 Milliliters
28.75 Lei Min. 1 and Max. 10 Pieces

Everything is organic, the birds are raised in the backyard, the vegetables are in the personal garden, the noodles are made by mom!

Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"
Conserved Food
Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :

Roast in the pan

1 Piece à 200 Grams
46.00 Lei Min. 1 and Max. 10 Pieces

Roast pork, lamb, goat, veal, the pork comes from a small slaughterhouse in the area, the other from the locals! Baked in a wood fired oven!

Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"
Conserved Food
Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :

Stuffed eggs

1 Hundred grams
Hundreds grams
13.80 Lei Min. 1 and Max. 10 Hundreds grams

The eggs are only homemade, filled with pork liver patties and mayonnaise! One portion contains two eggs.

Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"
Conserved Food
Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :

Cauldron with polenta

1 Piece à 350 Milliliters
46.00 Lei Min. 1 and Max. 10 Pieces

Pork or veal cauldron, (a kind of goulash) Cooked in a cast iron cauldron over a wood fire.

Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"
Conserved Food
Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :

"Purpura" dumplings

1 Piece à 450 Grams
28.75 Lei Min. 10 and Max. 60 Pieces

Traditional product, bread dough with various fillings, cabbage, cheese, potatoes, apples, seasonal curd, seasonal plums. Baked in the wood fired oven!

Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"
Fresh Food
Pay 15 % in advance :
Pay 85 % on arrival :

Buy from Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"

  • Punct Gastronomic Local "La Mesentea"

  • Farmer Farmer
  • 6 Products